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Donggue Kim, Ji Woo Lee, Yang Tae Kim, Junhyeok Choe, Gaeun Kim, Chang Man Ha,
Jae Geun Kim,* Kwang Hoon Song,* and Sunggu Yang*[ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS] Minimally Invasive Syringe-Injectable Hydrogel with Angiogenic Factors for Ischemic Stroke Treatment

Jejung Kim, Juyeong Hong, Kyungtai Park, Sangwon Lee, Anh Tuan Hoang, Sojeong Pak, Huilin Zhao, Seunghyeon Ji, Sungchil Yang, Chun Kee Chung, Sunggu Yang, and Jong-Hyun Ahn*[ADVANCED MATERIALS] Injectable 2D Material-Based Sensor Array Injectable 2D Material-Based Sensor Array for Minimally Invasive Neural Implants

Leslie Jaesun Ha*, Hyeon-Gu Yeo*, Yu Gyeong Kim*, Inhyeok Baek*, Eunha Baeg*, Young Hee Lee, Jinyoung Won, Yunkyo Jung, Junghyung Park, Chang-Yeop Jeon, Keonwoo Kim, Jisun Min, Youngkyu Song, Jeong-Heon Park, Kyung Rok Nam, Sangkyu Son, Seng Bum Michael Yoo, Sung-hyun Park, Won Seok Choi, Kyung Seob Lim, Jae Yong Choi#, Jee-Hyun Cho#, Youngjeon Lee#, Hyung Jin Choi# [Neuron]
Hypothalamic neuronal activation in non-human primates drives naturalistic goal-directed eating behavior
Ho Gyun Lee*, Hyeon Jung, Byong Seo Park, Hye Rim Yang, Kwang Kon Kim, Thai Hien Tu, Jung-Yong Yeh, Sewon Lee, Sunggu Yang, Byung Ju Lee, Jae Geun Kim#, Seong Nam-Goong# [diabetes & metabolism journal]
Altered Metabolic Phenotypes and Hypothalamic Neuronal Activity Triggered by Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibition
Sunggu Yang*#, Eunha Baeg, Kyungtae Kim, Donggue Kim, Duo Xu, Jong-Hyun Ahn#, Sungchil Yang# [Biosensors and Bioelectronics] Neurodiagnostic and neurotherapeutic potential of graphene nanomaterials
Sojeong Pak, Minseok Lee, Sangwon Lee, Huilin Zhao, Eunha Baeg, Sunggu Yang, Sungchil Yang(2023) Cortical surface plasticity promotes map remodeling and alleviates tinnitus in adult miceTinnitus alleviation by cortical surface stimulation , Progress in Neurobiology
Donggue Kim*, Mingyeong Jeong*, Elishia Kim, Gaeun Kim, Junewoo Na, Sunggu Yang(2023) Brain Mapping Using a Graphene Electrode Array, Jove Journal
HoGyun Lee, Hyeon Jung, ByongSeo Park, HyeRim Yang, KwangKon Kim, ThaiHien Tu, Jung-Yong Yeh, Sewon Lee, Sunggu Yang, ByungJu Lee, JaeGeun Kim, Seong Nam-Goong(2023) Altered Metabolic Phenotypes and Hypothalamic Neuronal Activity Triggered by Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibition, National Library of Medicine
Jeongsik Lim*, Sangwon lee*, Jejung Kim, Jeonghoon Hong, Sooho Lim, Kyungtae Kim, Jeongwoo Kim, Sungchil Yang#, Sunggu Yang#, Jong-Hyun Ahn#(2023) Hybrid graphene electrode for diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy in free-moving animal models, npg asia materials
Yoon Ji Kwon*, Sojeong Pak*, Sunggu Yang#, Sungchil Yang# (2023) Electrophysiological measurements of synaptic connectivity and plasticity in the longitudinal dentate gyrus network from mouse hippocampal slices, STAR protocols
Eun-Young Oh* Byong Seo Park*, Hye Rim Yang, Ho Gyun Lee, Thai Hien Tu, Sunggu Yang, Mi-Ryung Han#, and Jae Geun Kim# (2023) Whole transcriptome analysis of hypothalamus in mice during short -term starvation, IJMS
Sojeong Pak*, Doohyeong Jang*, Jinho Lee, Gona Choi, Hongseong Shin, Sungchil Yang# , Sunggu Yang # (2022) Hippocampal interlamellar cell–cell connectome that counts, Journal of Cellular Physiology
Sojeong Pak*, Gona Choi, Jaydeep Roy, Chi Him Poon, Jinho Lee, Dajin Cho, Minseok Lee, Lee Wei Lim, Shaowen Bao, Sunggu Yang# , Sungchil Yang# (2022) Altered synaptic plasticity of the longitudinal dentate gyrus network in noise-induced anxiety, iScience
Minpyo Kang*, Hyerin Jeong*, Sung-Won Park, Juyeong Hong, Hyeyeon Lee, Youngcheol Chae, Sunggu Yang# , Jong-Hyun Ahn# (2022) Wireless graphene-based thermal patch for obtaining temperature distribution and performing thermography, Science advances
Junewoo Na*, Byong Seo Park*, Doohyeong Jang, Donggue Kim, Thai Hien Tu, Youngjae Ryu, Chang Man Ha, Marco Koch, Sungchil Yang , Jae Geun Kim#, Sunggu Yang# (2022) Distinct firing activities of the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus neurons to appetite hormones, International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Changuk Lee*, Byeongseol Kim*, Jejung Kim, Sangwon Lee, Taejune Jeon, Woojun Choi, Sunggu Yang , Jong-Hyun Ahn , Joonsung Bae#, Youngcheol Chae# (2022) A Miniaturized Wireless Neural Implant With Body-Coupled Power Delivery and Data Transmission, IEEE Journal of solid-state circuits
Byong Seo Park*, Dasol Kang, Kwang Kon Kim, Bora Jeong, Tae Hwan Lee, Jeong Woo Par,
Shioko Kimura, Jung-Yong Yeh, GuSeob Roh, Chang-Joong Lee, Sungchil Yang, Sunggu Yang, Jae Geun Kim#, Byung Ju Lee#. Hypothalamic TTF-1 orchestrates the sensitivity of leptin. Molecular Metabolism

Minseok Lee*, Sangwon Lee*, Jejung Kim*, Jeongsik Lim, Jinho Lee, Samer Masri, Shaowen Bao, Sunggu Yang# , Jong-Hyun Ahn#, Sungchil Yang# (2021) Graphene-electrode array for brain map remodeling of the cortical surface, NPG Asia Materials
Gona Choi*, Hyeri Kang*, Wenkei Chu, Sunggu Yang#, Sungchil Yang# (2021) Dynamics of longitudinal dentate gyrus axons associated with seizure, The Journal of Physiology
Da Yeon Jeong*, Nuri Song*, Hye Rim Yang, Thai Hien Tu, Byong Seo Park, Hara Kang, Jeong Woo Park, Byung Ju Lee, Sunggu Yang , Jae Geun Kim# (2021) Deficiency of Tristetraprolin Triggers Hyperthermia through Enhancing Hypothalamic Inflammation, International journal of molecular sciences
Nuri Song*, Da Yeon Jeong*, Thai Hien Tu, Byong Seo Park, Hye Rim Yang, Ye Jin Kim, Jae Kwang Kim, Joon Tae Park, Jung-Yong Yeh, Sunggu Yang , Jae Geun Kim# (2021) Adiponectin Controls Nutrient Availability in Hypothalamic Astrocytes, International journal of molecular sciences
Seung Won Lee*, Soyeon Baek*, Sung-Won Park, Min Koo, Eui Hyuk Kim, Seokyeong Lee, Wookyeong Jin, Hansol Kang, Chanho Park, Gwangmook Kim, Heechang Shin, Wooyoung Shim, Sunggu Yang , Jong-Hyun Ahn# , Cheolmin Park# (2020) 3D motion tracking display enabled by magneto-interactive electroluminescence, Nature communications
Jinho Lee*, Doohyeong Jang*, Hyerin Jeong, Kyu-sung Kim#, Sunggu Yang# (2020) Impairment of synaptic plasticity and novel object recognition in the hypergravity-exposed rats, Scientific Reports
Ye Jin Kim*, Thai Hien Tu*, Sunggu Yang, Jae Kwang Kim , Jae Geun Kim# (2020) Characterization of Fatty Acid Composition Underlying Hypothalamic Inflammation in Aged Mice, Molecules
Wonjun Noh*, Minseok Lee*, Hyun Ji Kim, Kyu-Sung Kim#, Sunggu Yang# (2020) Hypergravity induced disruption of cerebellar motor coordination, Scientific reports
Hye Rim Yang*, Thai Hien Tu, Da Yeon Jeong, Sunggu Yang , Jae Geun Kim# (2020) Obesity induced by estrogen deficiency is associated with hypothalamic inflammation, Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports
Byong Seo Park*, Thai Hien Tu, Hannah Lee, Da Yeon Jeong, Sunggu Yang, Byung Ju Lee , Jae Geun Kim# (2019) Beta-aminoisobutyric acid inhibits hypothalamic inflammation by reversing microglia activation, JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), 2019 Dec 11
Hannah Lee*, Thai Hien Tu*, Byong Seo Park, Sunggu Yang , Jae Geun Kim# (2019) Adiponectin reverses the hypothalamic microglial inflammation during short-term exposure to fat-rich diet, International journal of molecular sciences
Wonjun Noh*, Sojeong Pak*, Geunho Choi*, Sungchil Yang#, and Sunggu Yang# (2019) Transient Potassium Channels: Therapeutic Targets for Brain Disorders, Frontiers in cellular neuroscience
Hannnah Tetteh*, Jihwan Lee*, Jinho Lee, Jae Geun Kim, Sunggu Yang# (2019) Investigating long-term synaptic plasticity in interlamellar hippocampus CA1 by electrophysiological field recording, JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)
Thai Hien Tu*, Hyojin Kim*, Sunggu Yang, Jae Kwang Kim , Jae Geun Kim# (2019) Linoleic acid rescues microglia inflammation triggered by saturated fatty acid, Biochemical and biophysical research communications
Seung Gi Seo*, Sang-Woo Han, Ho-Young Cha, Sunggu Yang , Sung Hun Jin# (2019) Light-Shield Layers Free Photosensitive Inverters Comprising GaN-Drivers and Multi-Layered MoS2-Loads, IEEE
Sung-won Park*, Jejung Kim*, Minpyo Kang, Wonho Lee, Byong Seo Park, Hansung Kim, Se-Yong Choi, Sungchil Yang #, Jong-Hyun Ahn# , Sunggu Yang # (2018) Epidural Electrotherapy for Epilepsy, Small
Seung Gi Seo, Sang-Woo Han, Ho-Young Cha, Sunggu Yang, Sung Hun Jin# (2018) Light-Shield Layers Free Photosensitive Inverters Comprising GaN-Drivers and Multi-Layered MoS2-Loads, IEEE Electron Device Letters
Sunggu Yang#, Jaeyong Chung, Sung Hun Jin, Shaowen Bao , Sungchil Yang# (2018) A circuit mechanism of time-to-space conversion for perception, Hearing Research

Duk-gyu Sun*, Hyeri Kang*, Hannah Tetteh, Junfeng Su, Jihwan Lee, Sung-Won Park, Jufang He, Jihoon Jo , Sungchil Yang# , Sunggu Yang# (2018) Long term potentiation, but not depression, in interlamellar hippocampus CA1, Scientific Reports
Hannah Tetteh, Minseok Lee, C. Geoffrey Lau, Sunggu Yang#, Sungchil Yang# (2018) Tinnitus: Prospects for Pharmacological Interventions With a Seesaw Model, The Neuroscientist
Sunggu Yang*, Govindaiah G, Lee S-H, Yang S, Cox CL* (2017) Distinct kinetics of inhibitory currents in thalamocortical neurons that arise from dendritic or axonal origin. PLoS ONE
Thai Hien Tu*, Il Seong Nam-Goong, Jisung Lee, Sunggu Yang , Jae Geun Kim (2017) Visfatin triggers anorexia and body weight loss through regulating the inflammatory response in the hypothalamic microglia. Mediators of inflammation
Sunggu Yang , Mariton D. Santos, Cha-Min Tang, Jae Geun Kim and Sungchil Yang (2016) A postsynaptic role for short-term neuronal facilitation in dendritic spines, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, Sep 10:224
Hui Wang*, Alvaro O. Ardiles, Sunggu Yang, Trinh Tran, Rafael Posada-Duque, Gonzalo Valdivia, Min Baek, Yang-An Chuang,Adrian G. Palacios, Michela Gallagher, Paul Worley, and Alfredo Kirkwood (2016) Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors Induce a Form of LTP Controlled by Translation and Arc Signaling in the Hippocampus, The Journal of Neuroscience, Feb 3; 36(5):1723-1729
Sungchil Yang*, Cha-Min Tang and Sunggu Yang (2015) The shaping of two distinct dendritic spikes by A-type voltage-gatedK+ channels, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, Nov 17; 9:469 *corresponding author
Wenchi Zhang*, Jing Wu, Matthew D Ward, Sunggu Yang, Yang-An Chuang, Meifang Xiao, Ruojing Li, Daniel J Leahy, Paul F Worley (2015) Structural Basis of Arc Binding to Synaptic Proteins: Implications for Cognitive Disease, Neuron, Apr 9; 86(2):346-348
Sunggu Yang*, Sungchil Yang* , Thais Moreira , Gloria Hoffman , Greg C Carlson , Kevin J Bender , Bradley E Alger , Cha-Min Tang (2014) Inter-lamellar CA1 network in the hippocampus, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS),Sep 2; 111(35):12919 –12924
Sunggu Yang*, Papagiakoumou E, Guillon M, de Sars V, Tang CM, and Emiliani V (2011) Three-dimensional holographic photostimulation of the dendritic arbor. Journal of Neural Engineering Aug 8(4):046002. Featured Article.
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